Original Art Finder - Expressions by Van Current Listings
Original black art highlighting the beauty of curly girls using bright colors and unique line work.
Holiday Gift Ideas 2020 - African-American Art
The holidays are right around the corner! Here are some simple yet great ways to put together some unique gifts for the ones that you...
It's June 2020, still shouting Black Lives Matter.
This week in particular has been extremely taxing. I took a few walks to try and blow off the stress. On top of that I've had to take...
March is here!
Hi friends, We have some exciting things going on this month of March. On the 21st, you can find me at the African American Museum of...
INKTOBER was in shambles!
In the first week of #inktober, my focus was high! Each night I made sure to draw and make some form of magic. After that, I struggled to...
Inktober week 1 was a success, I feel. Not everything I did came out exactly as I planned but I had fun with it. All of the drawings...